面對困難 爬每一座山 解決問題 希望就在前方 Climb every mountain攀越每座山嶺租辦公室 Search high and low專心誠意地尋求Follow every byway踏遍每條小徑Every path you 澎湖民宿know走過已知的每條路Climb every mountain攀越每座山嶺Ford every stream上溯每條溪Follow 關鍵字行銷every rainbow追隨每道彩虹Till you find your dream直到夢想得尋A dream that will need 永慶房屋all the love you can give一個夢想需要你用一生的愛灌注耕耘Every day of your life for as 二胎long as you live.生命的每分每秒,直到地久天長Climb every mountain攀越每座山嶺Ford 代償every stream上溯每條溪Follow every rainbow追隨每道彩虹Till you find your dream直到夢想當鋪得尋A dream that will need all the love you can give一個夢想需要你用一生的愛灌注耕耘室內裝潢Every day of your life for as long as you live.生命的每分每秒,直到地久天長Climb every 關鍵字行銷mountain攀越每座山嶺Ford every stream上溯每條溪Follow every rainbow追隨每道彩虹Till 辦公室出租you find your dream直到夢想得尋

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